Low FODMAP Foods for IBS and Food Intolerance

Where to buy low FODMAP grocery foods? Your One Stop FodShop, of course!

Shop in-store 9AM to 5PM Monday to Friday, 10AM to 3PM Saturday and Sunday. TAP HERE for directions. 

Showing 1 - 35 of 160 results

Tomorrow's Nutrition Sunfiber Partially Hydrolysed Guar Gum PHGG - 30 Day Supply (210g) - Preorder for Late February 2025


Tomorrow’s Nutrition Sunfiber® delivers 6 grams of clinically proven, clear, grit free soluble fiber. A true regulating fiber, improves both conditions of occasional constipation and poor elimination as well as.

FODZYME® 60 Dose Jar - Preorder 21st Jan


Break down FODMAPs with FODZYME™! This revolutionary patent-pending enzyme supplement blend, targets the FODMAPs fructan, GOS and lactose. Sprinkle then mix FODZYME into your food with a convenient scoop, and let.