At FodShop, we don't just want you to be able to access low FODMAP, gut friendly food products - we want you to learn how and why your diet plays an important role in helping you self-manage your IBS symptoms.
FodShop's Wellness in IBS Workshops are crucial educational starting points for anyone wanting to get on top of their gut health; from understanding food triggers, to IBS diagnostic criteria & red flags, FODMAP resources, yoga & hypnotherapy sessions, we offer an integrative & holistic approach to gut symptom management that you can't get anywhere else in the country. Or in the world!
If you're based in Australia, keep an eye out for our Wellness in IBS Workshops here - we could be running one near you!
MELBOURNE: March 2021 Autumn Wellness in IBS Workshop, 'Getting Started on the Low FODMAP Diet' at MicDrop Melbourne with Sarah Di Pietro APD and Heidi Ng APD

PERTH: February 2020 Summer Wellness in IBS Workshop, 'A Holistic Approach to IBS Management' with Dietitian Charlyn Ooi APD - FEBRUARY 2020

MELBOURNE: October 2020 Spring Wellness in IBS Workshop, 'IBS Management in Pregnancy - Women's Health Workshop' with Melinda Braithwaite APD and The Sports Injury Clinic, Frankston

MELBOURNE: August 2019 Winter Wellness in IBS Workshop, 'Getting Started on the Low FODMAP Diet' with Melinda Braithwaite APD and Georgina Mitchell of Hypfocus

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